Governance & Management
The Village Common of Rhode Island (TVCRI) is a volunteer-driven non-profit membership organization that is operated by and for its members. In accordance with the bylaws of the organization, the members of The Village Common elect the governing Board of Directors and its officers. The Village Common’s operations are dependent on the input of its members and the support available from its volunteers.
Each local village within The Village Common has a steering committee (or comparable leadership group) consisting of village members and volunteers. Steering committees devise policies and procedures for their village; plan social and community events; engage in outreach initiatives and volunteer recruitment; and are actively engaged with the welfare of village members.
Representatives from each village’s steering committee participate in The Village Common Coordinating Council, which is convened by the Executive Director.
The Executive Director, a small professional staff, the Coordinating Council, and the village steering committees all have important roles to play in the management and operation of The Village Common and its local villages.
Board Development Committee: To develop and oversee an intentional Board Development Process and its Management.
Communications Committee: Establish a standing Committee on Communications of the Village Common Board focused on both broad community outreach that targets donors, grant sources, and the general public and creation of a library of promotional materials.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is to provide leadership towards making The Village Common of RI a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization. It will serve as a vehicle for our ongoing commitment to pursue these values through all possible avenues. Some of these avenues include outreach; member, volunteer, and staff education; governance; staff hiring; advocacy; and new villages and other initiatives designed to bring a wider diversity of people into our organization for mutual benefit.
Finance Committee: To ensure financial growth of TVC, oversee books [or financial records], and develop investment strategy and policy.
Fund Development Committee: To secure long-term sustainability of The Village Common of Rhode Island as defined by the TVCRI Strategic Plan and annual budget requirements.
Health & Wellness Committee: Health and wellness activities are critical to the TVC mission and are supported by a Board Committee with strong participation by local Villages. The purview of the committee is targeted in support of wellness as it relates to physical, social and mental health of all members and volunteers.