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HomeEventsAquidneck Island Village: MOZZ Coffee & Conversation

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Aquidneck Island Village: MOZZ Coffee & Conversation

About this event

Aquidneck Island Village: MOZZ Coffee & Conversation
Aquidneck Island Village invites you to gather with friends and neighbors. Our guest will be Rep. Lauren Carson (District 75, Newport), who is leading a study commission for the RI State Legislature on Aging in RI.
Join us and catch up on what’s happening in our village. Bring a friend you’d like to introduce to our Aquidneck Island Village. Mozz is an artisanal cheese and Italian specialty café with an espresso bar located at 181 Bellevue Avenue in Newport. Each person will order and pay individually. Parking is available in Bellevue Gardens Plaza with your ticket validated by Mozz. Members can request rides by calling (401) 684-1662. For more information, email
A Sunshine Fund is now available for members and volunteers that enables attendance or participation in a program, event, celebration or performance when the cost would be an impediment. Individuals should contact Executive Mary Alice Smith via email:

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM


181 Bellevue Avenue
Newport, RI  02840

Event Contact(s)

Mary Alice Smith


In-Person Social

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Registration not required.