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HomeEventsBurrillville Village: Restaurant Lunch Group

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Burrillville Village: Restaurant Lunch Group

About this event

   Restaurant Group   
Come join us for a lunch with fellow members of our Burrillville Village!
Serio's Pizza & Restaurant offers many food choices, and the prices are reasonable. Members pay for their own meals, but if you plan on attending, we would appreciate your response, either by email to or by phone to Donna Landry at (401) 651-5242.

If you need transportation, please also call Member Services at 401-441-5240.

The Village Common relies on donations to offer our programs. This event is free to attend, but we thank you for any contributions you choose to give. Click on this button to donate. Donate

Date and Time

Thursday, March 28, 2024, 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


Serio's Pizza & Restaurant
405 Church Street
Pascoag, RI  02859

Event Contact(s)

Burrillville Village Office
Jim Alix


In-Person Social

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
If attending, contact Jim Alix or Donna Landry at (401) 651-5242.